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Self Care Sunday Series

Writer: Kirsty Jordan-Abundance TECKirsty Jordan-Abundance TEC

This week I’ve decided to take the blog back just for one week, because I really want to be involved as much as I can as the founder of the series and because I also gets a lot of pleasure from writing! I love journaling-it’s part of my own self-care. So it is Sunday again. What do you need to do today? What do you need? What does your soul seriously need? Really think about it. How much time have you given to yourself this week? Could you allocate more time to you today? Can you allocate some more time to self-care this week and make a conscious effort of implementing time for you to do things that will help you relax and enjoy life even more?

When we think of self-care, often people think of personal care, such as taking time for a bubble bath, reading a book with a face mask on, and so on. This is absolutely part of self-care, but self-care varies in so many differ ways! Self-care refers to taking time and making a conscious effort to do something for ourselves. It should not be forced; it should be enjoyable. Self-care can include a range of things from physical and mental wellness, to social interaction, to investing into our own personal development.

It is no one else’s responsibility to take care of you in this way. After all we are all unique and no one else would know exactly what you need. So really take time today to think about what you need, and what influences your self-care. Question how you can find that time and space to invest more into you. YOU are worthy. YOU deserve YOUR time!

Self-Care Sunday Challenge

This week I would like to challenge everyone to make a conscious effort to take time for self-care. Have a look over previous weeks’ blogs and draw some inspiration from the amazing ladies that have written to date (we have many more to come over the next few weeks).

Here are a few things you could consider for the week ahead should you wish to.

  • Create a ‘NO’ list. Things you no longer want to do, things that you do not like doing. Focus on what you want to happen and what you are comfortable with. Take control of your own energy and well-being and do not be afraid of saying no. Often ‘yes’ people can end up feeling exhausted, trying to please others. Self-care starts with looking after you. It is not selfish. Saying no does not make you unkind, you must preserve your own energy where needed.

  • Eat well, live well-plan nutritious meals that fuel your body. Make meals that you enjoy and enjoy the art of cooking and baking.

  • Exercise-take time to move your body in ways that you wish to, whether it is through dance, yoga, weight training or cardio. NHS recommends 75 minutes of intense exercise or 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week. Movement is hugely beneficial to our mental health as well as our physical health. What’s important is that you do something you really enjoy and don’t compare to others.

  • Sleep-try to get into a good nigh time routine, really allowing the brain to switch off before bed. There’s some great sleep apps and self-hypnosis/guided visualisation available to help you to relax

  • Spend time with your loved ones, where you can in a safe way. We are social creatures and factoring in time to spend with loved ones, whether online or face to face is crucial.

  • Take time out to relax and to do something you love each day. Rest when you need to.

  • Take time to do what you love. Time just for you where you get a real sense of enjoyment. Find ways to really belly laugh and release those happy hormones!

  • Challenge any negative behaviours, thoughts and emotions. Why am I doing this? Is this going to benefit me in the long run? Why do I really feel like this?

  • Take time to develop-really invest in yourself. We are all constantly evolving and learning. Be proactive in taking time to explore something you love, learn, and expand your knowledge.

Take time yo invest in you, and your own self-care this week to to proactively avoid burnout!

Self Care Sunday Series was founded by this passionate therapist, educator, coach, and family woman! I am passionate because I know the importance of self-care first hand and witness it daily in my clinic. I have been so busy that I have deprived myself of time for self care. The woman that that thought she was a superhero without the cape, and juggled everything and everyone at the expense of her own physical health at times. This whole series is to raise awareness, to avoid burnout.

If you need help, advice, support on finding you and that time again, reach out. Love and light to you all. Be the change you wish to see. Kirsty

Owner of Abundance TEC and Founder of Self Care Sunday Blog Series

Over the next few weeks Abundance TEC will be featuring guest bloggers on our website and social media platforms to support Self-Care Sunday.

The aim is to raise awareness as to why self-care is so important and to highlight a variety of ways you can implement self-care into your everyday routine to support positive mental health and well-being.These inspiring business owners and bloggers will be providing their own version of what self-care means to them and why they do what they do to look after themselves.



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